Friday, July 2, 2010

Chopin's words...

(Extracted from a book about what Fredric Chopin said...)

Kalkbrenner's method of playing from the wrist only is wrong. Forearm and upper arm should be used in addition to the wrist, hand and fingers.

Suppleness is of extreme importance. (During Chopin's first lessons with a pupil his most-used words were "Easily... easily.")

Do not use a flat hand. Ease of movement is impossible if the fingers are outstretched.

Kalkbrenner was also wrong in advising his pupils to read a newspaper while practicing technical exercises. No! said Chopin. Practicing demands intensity and concentration. It is not purely mechanical.

Avoid muscle fatigue. Chopin feared the abrutissement of his pupils--the stupor bought on by overpractice. He recommended no more than three hours daily.

The correct use of the pedal remains a study for life.

Concentrate on legato. Hear great singers(Pasta or Rubini).

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