Omg~ This video was so nice!
The actor of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was so cool and~ Funny~ And~ Bad GUY!!
Dun think that Mozart is a nice guy he is a~~ Ah Hah! That's it!
You can't believe what he said!
This guy wrote 1st concerto on Age of 4!?!?
First Symphony at 7?!?!
Full Scale opera at 12?!?!
He say rude words too~
Quite funny thing is, he did say things backwards~
"People walk backwards, dance backwards, sing backwards even talk backwards"
"People Fart BACKWARDS?"
First one!
"Say I-am sick"
After Reverse it is~(drag to see it and do not shout!)
"Kiss my A**"
Another one
"Em Merrem"(this is what he said)
"Marry Me!"
Next one!
"Ouy Volv I Tub"
"But I love you!"
Last one!(rude~)
"Tish I'm Tea"
"Eat My SHIT!"
OMG! How could he say things like this?!?!
Next are those pictures in the movies~
Mozart conducting!
Lovely wife!
Lenglui Wife!
Without the white hair!
The one which hates him~
Before he dies~
This is the guy that hates him at last!
I love all the things in the movie, He can do variations well...
Just hate he say those bad things!
At last, Dog Kul Yreve Eno!
(Good luck Everyone!)
(everybody should learn the way he laugh!) xP